Since the last time i blog, you see more and more of these moneylenders advertising nowadays and operating closer our heartland. In addition With Competition toughen up, have waived the $30 admin to stay competitive. They got no choice, No borrower = no profit
This saga remind me of Bubble tea craze burst... Lol
Or Maybe it time for them to realise it is also time to lower the interest to stay in competition.
Perhaps I should goes to Review this Article:
THE NEWPAPER ( 5 April 2010 , Monday )Mr Mohamad, who is married with no children, said he initially needed $5,000 for bills and groceries but then became "greedy" and borrowed more.But that $17,000 "loan" ballooned when hidden costs and interest were added.When his flat was sold a few months later, he should have got more than $50,000, but got less than $8,000.Other home owners who have taken such loans said they too were hit after they sold their flats.Here's how it works - a homeowner approaches the licensed moneylenders who advertise their business openly.The HDB homeowner is given a loan upfront with the promise that the flat will be sold at a hefty profit.In high-risk cases, the licensed moneylenders get the homeowner to sign documents that allow them to lodge a caveat on the flat.The loan sounds attractive. The advertised interest may be just 1 per cent per month.But the actual repayment will be much higher, said problem consultancy firm Bilal Consultants.
Sound Very familiar? Everyday you see on the advertisement stating 1% interest loan for HBD seller... This is a secure loan but looking at it... Well I shall touch more on this next time. :p